Friday Posts c

“God, What do you want from me?”

In life and at different seasons we find ourselves asking God “what is it that you want from me?” Perhaps we find ourselves asking that when we’re in great need of something, and it’s not happening, so in exasperation we cry out to God “if it’s anything I’ve done/I am doing wrong please tell me- I’ll correct it. What is it that you want from me? I don’t know what to do anymore?”

We are both Pharaoh and the Israelite; both the Oppressor and the Oppressed

We are all incomplete. We are sometimes victims and we are sometimes oppressors. We are sometimes the Israelites in slavery in Egypt. And we are sometimes Pharaoh oppressing others with a bad attitude, mistreatment, selfishness, or hatred.

A Test of Character- Blessing Others

It will be the most difficult of people that make us stronger; the most controlling of people that will make us relaxed and secure; the most insecure people that will make us confident; the most selfish of people that will make us humble; the most selfish of people that will make us giving; the most meanest, angry and evil of people that will make us love and forgive.

Leadership 101 – Nehemiah Style

When you choose to do something, an uplifting task that will bless others and build up God’s kingdom, buckle up because the enemy will throw everything he’s got in various forms at you, to stop you- but have faith, trust God, and keep moving.