In Light of How the World Looks, Evil is Not Winning

After watching an entire season of Gotham on Netflix (I did a Netflix binge), I began to think about a common theme throughout the show and how it relates to our society now. Good versus Evil. For those that have no clue what Gotham is, it is about a detective in a city that seems to be dominant with crime, villains, tragedies and acts of evil and this detective and others are the good guys trying to fight against the crime and darkness that is taking over the city.  

After reading newspapers, watching the news and checking social media, I start to wonder if there is an unseen war happening of good versus evil, especially in light of the tragedies that are happening daily, the terrorist attacks in various countries, the Refugee Crisis and the list goes on. OK. HOLD ON. I know what you are saying, girl turn off that Netflix and go for a run because you are going a bit crazy. But, in all honesty, at times, it looks like there is more bad happening than there is good and I start to notice the effect it has on how we live our lives. 

As, I become more aware of the current state of society that we live in, after the attack near London Bridge this last weekend, I notice that I am more alert when I go out, more tense, more nervous to be out late nights or in huge tourist areas, less prone to answer a stranger's question on the street, even if they are asking for directions. Partly, I think these new behaviors are emerging because there is a fear building up within me, a fear because the reality that evil does happen and seems to occur more frequently and that no one is exempt and how quickly your entire life can change. 

Thinking about all that is happening can become consuming. If there is a war going on between good versus evil, why does it look like evil is winning? This is enough to make me anxious however; I refuse to live like this. I believe life was not meant to be like this. I don't believe we were meant to live in fear, powerless and with evil seeming to conquer. But what then can I do? What perspective do I need to have daily?

There is a scripture in the Bible that says, "Do not let evil conquer you but conquer evil by doing good". What I notice, is that 'evil' has a way of becoming all-consuming if we let it, it makes us internally start to feel like it is winning, like it is taking away our right to live and enjoy life. But what if we began to go on the offensive, and to combat all that is happening in the world, each one of us in our own lives intentionally choose to do daily acts of good. What if that is the way to conquer evil by doing good, by showing evil that it is not stronger, that it has not won, that it is not in total control. This is something that no matter where you are located on this vast landscape of the world, we all have opportunities to simply do some good.

Imagine the movement that would rise up if we all found ways in our own lives, communities, workplaces, friendships and families to do acts of good, daily and continuously. This movement would remind ourselves and others that in spite of all that is happening in the world, good will win. 

Doing good is sometimes the simple and small things that we overlook, holding the door for someone, saying something nice to a co-worker, or saying hi to your neighbor in your flat. What does doing good look like in the face of tragedy?- it looks like the taxi drivers that offered rides to people after the bombings in Manchester, it looks like the masses of people that volunteered after 9/11 to help clean up, it looks like the Sikhs that offered refuge after the attacks near London Bridge. 

What evil wants us to do is to think it is winning in our world, to make us become less about each other and solely about protecting ourselves, about shrinking back with our lives but we will not. I believe that good has a power in itself, that it is a strong force that reminds humanity that we can do good for each other, it shines a light in the darkest of places and begins to bring hope and love, and at the very least it will always put a smile on someone's face. Acts of good in the midst of pain, loss and tragedy, are signs that all is not lost in humanity. It is a stance to all those that think they will conquer evil- that we are stronger, that we will not be defeated, that although we may have taken a blow we are ready to fight another day. 

As humans, let us in whatever way we can, whether big or small do good. Let's fight this unseen war of good versus evil by starting a movement with acts of good towards each other; whether it is volunteering your time, offering friendship to someone, donating to a good cause. Wherever you may be in this world, remember do not let evil conquer you but conquer evil by doing good. 

Imagine the strength and hope that we can bring into our homes, communities, families, and workplaces with a movement of doing good. Imagine the light that we can bring into people's lives especially at a time when there seems to be pain, tragedy and loss. Let's take a stance today, let us choose to do good.

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Danna, or as her friends say "it's Donna but with an 'a'" loves people and inspiring people to live their best life. Her current addictions are fashion trends, Netflix binges and ice cream. 

Danna Brown

Danna, or as her friends say "it's Donna but with an 'a'" loves people and inspiring people to live their best life. Her current addictions are fashion trends, Netflix binges and ice cream. 


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