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Seek His Presence, Not the Position

Not too long ago I saw a meme on LinkedIn that read: “If you could spend 10 days with Richard Branson or take $1 million dollars, which would you take?” It’s an interesting question, but one I think has a simple answer. More on this in a second…

I remember the first time I read the account of Solomon’s dream in 1 Kings 3: 1-15, where God asked him what he desired, and whatever he [Solomon] asked for, God would give it. I was amazed and humbled Solomon’s response. Solomon had just been made king and when we’re put into a new position, we can find it overwhelming. So, he asked God for wisdom:

More on this Scripture and Solomon in a second…

We as humans tend to desire a position, which brings a title, followers, influence, honor and can inflate the ego if we let it. But, what’s the use of having a position if you don’t hunger more for His presence? We all know that God examines the heart, seeing if he can trust us with more in our hands.

It is overwhelming to have a position without His presence. So, it’s better to seek His presence over a position. Sometimes the position and all the perks that come with it aren’t what they seem, and the weight of the position can be too much to bear. But God’s presence doesn’t cost anything.

Looking at the Branson example, spending 10 days with him would be equal to seeking the presence of God. And taking the $1 million would be equal to seeking “the position.” But listen to this: if you spend 10 days with Branson, you will gain a wealth of knowledge that you can take away and make $10 million. When you seek the presence of God, you will gain a wealth of knowledge and strength to handle “the position.”

Solomon asking for “an understanding heart to judge God’s people, so that he could discern between good and evil” (1 Kings 3:9) is him seeking God’s presence. When he sought His presence God gave Solomon wisdom, plus riches and honor. No one has been as rich or full of wisdom as a Solomon, nor will there ever be anyone to match it. But if Solomon would have asked God for more wealth, some luxury camels (aka Bentley’s)- haha, he would have been seeking “the position” and not the presence of God.

Seek your Heavenly Father’s presence and He will no doubt prepare you for your position, and He will do it in such a way to where the position won’t overwhelm you and take you out.

Happy Friday! xoxx