Being Strong: Strength Isn’t Just a Masculine Quality But Feminine Too

They say we all go through a lot to get to where we are right now. But does that mean we can’t be physically and mentally strong as a woman? Strength isn’t just a masculine quality but feminine too, so let’s embrace it.

Being strong means doing what we must do no matter what our circumstances are. Sure, there are times when we feel like we just can’t get out of bed or feel physically and mentally weak, but there are ways to be strong and overcome this. The first thing to do is to wear an outfit that instantly makes you feel better even if it means you’re going to wear a t-shirt with a pair of jeans. Then, do whatever you want the rest of the day, but don’t forget to finish what’s needed first.

Not only that but taking good care of yourself makes you strong too (and no, I’m not talking about grooming yourself to the point that you’re so done up and that you wasted hours to look that way). It simply means that you do something for yourself that makes you feel good. Buying clothes that you know are going to look good on you as opposed to buying something just because someone else has it, is always the best option. That way you’re only going to have clothes that look good on you no matter what. Now, this doesn’t mean you go overboard and spend a lot on these clothes but be mindful in choosing what you buy. Buy clothes that are going to last a while and that you know are going to still fit you, even if you lose or gain weight. What you wear gives you strength and the power to choose what you wear is great. It’s also a mood booster.

But what about if we’re in a situation where we can’t really do much besides doing whatever we can possibly do then? The best you can do then is to remind yourself that you’ve gone through much worse and that you will get through this too. Sometimes as a woman I may forget just how powerful my thoughts can be, but a simple reminder to myself that I have the strength to get through anything makes me stronger. The next time you feel low and feel like you just can’t go on, remember it’s okay to remind yourself to be strong, no matter what your gender is. We all need to remind ourselves at times that we have what it takes to get through those tough times.

Shefali Karani

Shefali is the author of Own It! Love What You Already Have of which all book proceeds go toward good causes. She is an executive at her family’s business, and board director for two other companies. She’s an alumna of Columbia Business School in New York City and Drexel University. She lives in Dubai with her husband and continues to travel for work. To learn more, visit

Book: Brave Enough to Be Broken


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