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Book: Trauma Aware

Today, an increasing number of people will be exposed to a traumatic situation in their lifetime. From natural disasters and violent crime to wars and personal loss, the research shows that more than two-thirds of the population will experience a traumatic event by the time they are 16 years old. The invisible and deep wounds left by these events can be difficult to identify and easy to misunderstand. 

Eliza Huie, a licensed clinical professional counselor with advanced specialized training in trauma care, is the author of Trauma Aware: A Christian’s Guide to Providing Help and Care. In this insightful book, she guides readers to become trauma-aware helpers by equipping them with tools to recognize the signs of trauma and offer compassionate, lasting help to survivors.  

In this powerful book, Christians are given tools to help those affected by trauma, blending wisdom, compassion, and steadfast support. "My goal is to bridge the gap of faith and trauma care by helping readers understand trauma’s impact, offering practical and hope-filled insights grounded in God’s Word, and empowering them to become trauma-aware helpers," says Huie.

Trauma Aware demystifies trauma, explores the intersection of faith and trauma care, and explains trauma’s effects on the brain, body, and soul.

About Eliza Huie

Eliza is a licensed professional counselor (LPC) trained in trauma care. She serves as a seminary instructor facilitating certificate-level training in biblical counseling and has authored several books, including her latest Trauma Aware: A Christian’s Guide to Providing Help and Care. Eliza co-hosts Counsel For Life, a podcast about mental health and the Christian life.

Website: | Instagram: @elizajanehuie | Facebook: @elizajanehuie | X: @elizajanehuie