Candy Bars & The Throne of God- by Cassandra Portee

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
— Hebrews 4:16

I have memories as a child going to ask my mother if my sister and I could have a candy bar to eat.  But there was one catch to this request, my mom would be sleeping.  Mom worked the night shift at the hospital.  She would sleep for a few hours after we had breakfast.  My sister and I knew if we asked her for the candy when she was awake, the answer would be “No”.  So we came up with the plan to wait until she had been asleep for at least an hour. One of us would enter her room quietly, approach the bed, and softly call her name.  If she said yes, and did not move, we knew she was in a deep sleep and it was safe to ask her permission to eat some candy.  Once we got “permission” we were in heaven savoring the taste of the candy.  Later on, my mother would see the evidence in the trash can and once she found out we asked her for the candy while she was asleep she would fuss again on reminding us not to ask her for anything while she was asleep because she could answer yes to anything.  

As I reflected on this childhood moment I was grateful to God that we His children do not need to get permission to ask Him anything.  He is available 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days.  He is always waiting to hear the petitions of His children.  You never get a busy tone or a voice message.  You can talk to Him directly, and know He cares about our concerns and worries.

Within the scripture passage there are three points I have discovered:

1). We can approach God’s throne boldly.  What a comfort to know we can approach the throne with no fear.  

As 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.”  God loves His children, and He wants us to know we do not have to carry our burdens alone (Matthew 11:28).  

We sometimes feel embarrassed about our actions/sins and think God will not forgive us so there is no need to go to Him.  He is a loving, patient, comforting God who is always ready to hear us when we call on Him.  We do not have to prepare a fancy speech or use elegant words.  All He wants us to do is to come as we are boldly to His throne, and He is ready to hear our pleas.  And there is an abundance of grace (unmerited favor) there waiting for us.

2). Mercy is there for us too. God is full of mercy.  What does this mean God is full of mercy?  Mercy is “compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm”.  What an awesome God we serve!  Not only can we boldly approach His throne where grace is there, He is forgiving.  This means we have no fear of God striking us down with the wrath of His justice.  

No sin is too big or too small that He cannot show us compassion.  God does not weigh sin the way humans do.  Whatever you face, remember God extends His mercy to you.  How fortunate it is for God to show us mercy.  We are so underserving of His mercy.  Each morning we wake up He has extended new mercies to each and every one of us.  Without His mercy, we all would have been doomed a long time ago.  Oh, how I am truly thankful for His mercy!

3). With the Heavenly Father we can approach His throne boldly, where mercy awaits us at any time of the day or night.  

With some people we can be cautious about when or how to approach them with a concern or request.  You never have to make an appointment to approach His throne.  What a great comfort to know the Father never sleeps or tires of His children and their needs.  Jesus provided that avenue for us in having a direct link to the Father.  When He hung on the cross the curtain in the temple was torn in two, and we would never have the need to go to the priest to get him to carry our petitions to the Lord.  

God wants a relationship with all of us, and approaching the throne is one way to build the relationship with Him.  Never feel you are not worthy of God’s love and care.  In the scriptures Jesus said God is “our Father.”  

When the time comes when you cannot discuss something with a family member or friend, remember you are not alone.  He is waiting for you to lay your burdens at His throne, and trust Him in knowing He cares for you, and you will never have to travel this journey alone.  Whatever you are going through all you need to know is you can approach the throne boldly where you can obtain grace and mercy.

Happy Friday! 

Cassandra Portee

Cassandra Portee is an elementary music schoolteacher by day and has been for over 30 years. Her passion is music history and teaching about the lives of the classical composers. She’s also Seele’s copywriter. In her spare time she teaches piano lessons, works in the after school program at her school, volunteers on political campaigns, she’s involved in her church, she mentors young women, and she contributes to her community in planning events. Most weekends you can find her nestled in a bookstore, reading books with the latest seasonal latte.


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