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From Couture Craftsmanship To The Production Of Hospital Gear

Fashion has been helping in any way that it can right now as the Coronavirus has hit thousands around the globe. Factories that produce cosmetics for Christian Dior, Guerlain, and Givenchy have been making hand sanitizer gel; and Donatella Versace donated €200,000 to a hospital in Milan. It’s in moments like these where we realize how much we need each other and that maybe we’re all being called to a simpler way of living, and in applying our unique skills, we can bless those around us.

One such designer out of Lebanon is doing this, and on Saturday, March 21st, Tony Ward reopened his atelier’s doors in the heart of Beirut because he saw a way in which he could apply his sewing skills and help hospitals.

“The day before, we had heard about the lack of bed sheets and other needs in the hospitals welcoming COVID-19 patients,” he said. “And we felt committed to provide those needs and therefore to shift the Atelier from the Couture craftsmanship to the production of bed sheets and protective suits to be offered to the hospitals.”

If we all do our small part, and for many that means staying home, donating money, or employing those who have lost their jobs with remote opportunities, we are remembering that one of the most important things in life is others, not the rat race of trying to climb to the top, leaving others in the dust.

“This wouldn’t have been possible without the team’s dedication and the very strict safety measures in place to protect the employees’ health,” says Ward.

Lebanon has always been a country with many challenges but if a country that is currently going through its own political and economic downturn can help others in need during this time then so can we.