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Family Traditions

Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas shares her family Christmas traditions and that when looking at Christian traditions, it is the rules and guidelines of traditions that keeps the values of a family- or faith alive

Growing up, everything was centered around God and family. If one person goes somewhere, everyone goes. My mom taught Sunday school every Sunday morning so that's where you would find all of my siblings and me. We would either be ushering, working as an acolyte, singing in the choir or sitting in the 4th-row pew with my mother. After church, we would all come home and cook/eat family dinner together at the kitchen table. In the American South, tradition is very important, it is something we Southerners thrive off of. This holiday season, I have been thinking a lot about traditions.

The Apostle Paul says in 2 Thessalonians 3:6. “Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.” Paul says this because Christianity in a traditional sense follows a set of rules and guidelines. Christ wants us to fellowship with one another and keep his “traditions”, values and practices alive. This is very similar to what families establish.

I used to think a lot of the traditions my grandparents established, that were passed down to my family were strict and controlling. As I grew older, I understood that it was more so to keep the values of the family alive. What are some of the traditions your family has created over the years?

In honor of the holiday season, one of my favorite traditions is spending Christmas together as a family. We wake up early on Christmas morning and read the story of the Birth of Christ. After, we all pray together and proceed to open presents. My mother cooks a delicious breakfast and we reminisce while enjoy family time. Later on in the day, we would attend the Hyman Family Christmas dinner. This year is quite different for me, I am currently in Fussa, Japan and will be spending the holidays here. It’ll be cool to mix traditions with the new people I am spending the holidays with, but I know it will be different from my Christmas norms.

I pray that this holiday season provides you with lots of joy, peace, love, and festivities. May God bless and keep you this holiday season.