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Find Me In Your Pain, by Brian Simmons and Gretchen Rodriguez

Whispers written by Brian Simmons and Gretchen Rodriguez

Beloved, I don’t want you to experience deep emotion, such as anger, fear, and sorrow, and then sweep it under the rug. I want you to acknowledge it. I want you to listen to your reactions and the things that trigger you and come to me, so I can nurture you with my love.

Every pain is rooted in something that needs my touch and acknowledgment. You don’t have to dig around and poke old wounds, looking for problems. But pay attention when life triggers you. Many of the emotional patterns that feel like an endless cycle are road signs to areas that need healing. If you will ask me to show you the underlying causes of unhealthy emotions, I will. I not only know everything about you, but I also know how to heal you. I don’t want you to live an introspective life focused on the pain, but I want you to focus on me in the midst of it, to find me in the pain, and to hear what I have to say about it. Don’t run from the things you don’t understand, but do acknowledge these issues and trust me to bring wisdom, insight, and freedom.