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God’s Voice Then and Now

Exodus 12: 1-7 “Passover, God gives instruction on how to prepare one’s home for Passover”.

We hear stories of the Bible of how Christ speaks to people audibly, have you ever audibly heard the voice of God? Many of us desire to hear God’s voice, for Him to tell us exactly what to do to live for him, but it’s simply not that easy. Yes, God wants to speak to us but He doesn’t want us to become so comfortable with Him and forget He is the one providing for us. We have to actively seek Christ and give Him total access to us.

The Christian journey is not easy. God always finds new ways to love us and we have to be willing to follow Him. Nothing compares to a relationship with Christ. We must give Christ our all, in all that we do. God’s voice may not be audible to all of us but He will show us ways for us to know we are following the right steps to receive his will.

Christ may send signs that show that we are on the right track. He may send people in our life to help guide us. He may touch our heart or plant an idea in our heads. We just have to be willing to receive His blessing and the will He has for us.