Love, Not Just A Feeling

SEELE Faith Editor KB Chakela shares that love is not just a feeling, rather it’s a command


As we come to the end of February, I find myself reflecting on the concept of love, not just love the feeling, but biblical love, that love that was a command by Jesus Christ in John 13:35 NKJV “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another”

But what is love?

According to the dictionary, love is defined as "an intense feeling of deep affection" or "a great interest and pleasure in something." These definitions emphasize love as an emotional response or a strong attachment to someone or something. However, while this definition captures a part of what love is, it does not fully describe the biblical meaning of love.

Biblically, love is more than just a feeling, love is an action, a command. As the Apostle Paul says in Galatians 5:22-23 (NKJV)“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, against such there is no law”. Love is one of the nine Fruit Of The Spirit.  Ultimately the bible tells us repeatedly that above all else, God is love.  So, anytime we ask ourselves what is the Biblical meaning of love, it can simply be defined by one word “God”, for He is love (1John4:8 &16). 

How then do I embody that love? How do I live it out every day? If God is love and I am not God, how then will I be able to fulfil the command that Jesus gave to us all to love one another?  The answer to that question is simple, it is through the Holy Spirit.  As Galatians 5:22-23 tells us, love is a Fruit Of The Spirit. This means when we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, love will naturally manifest in our lives.  Love is not something we can create or find within ourselves, rather, it is the Holy Spirit within us that enables each of us to love.

Understanding that the flaws of human nature and the flesh, we must acknowledge that we are unable to love purely on our own without the Holy Spirit. That is why, in His goodness, mercy, and love, God gave us Himself.  He is the one who loves through us.  Think about it, would you be able to love someone who deeply hurt you? Someone you feel is not deserving of your love? A complete stranger on the streets? No, you would not, I know I would personally not be able to love someone that wounded me or broke my heart.  But through the Holy Spirit, we are able to love even when it feels impossible.

As we move beyond February, the so-called “month of love”, let us strive to walk in love daily, not just with our words by with our actions.  Let us reflect the heart of God for His creation. 

May our love be patient.

May it be kind.

May it be longsuffering.

May it not keep a record of wrongs.

May it endure all.

For love is not just a feeling, it is a divine command to be love as He is love

Machateau Keabetswe “KB” Chakela

KB is a young female environmental scientist turned beauty salon owner with a passion for Christ, as she has forsaken all to follow Him.  She loves to encourage those around her in the Word of God and share her passion and why her hope is in Christ. KB is a lover of antiques and upscaling pre-loved goods and she considers herself a pro at making something out of nothing.

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