Fasting for God
Seele contributor, Ben Mack fasted for the Muslim holiday of Ramadan- “I should probably begin by saying I’m not a Muslim. But, like many Muslims around the world, I’ve been fasting this past month for Ramadan. Long story much shorter, the experience has deepened my faith in ways I could not have imagined – as well as deepened my empathy for fellow humans.”
Acting in Spirit
Seele contributor, Ben Mack reminds us on the importance of acting in Spirit and not ignoring God's calling. Looking at the example of Jonah, who ignored God's command to go to Nineveh and instead went to Tarshish because he thought that was the right thing to do- we see that obeying God is important for a smooth life. And getting swallowed by a whale was no fun for Jonah either.
Thanking God When Things are Going Well
Seele contributor Ben Mack, talks about what can happen when we forget to thank God for our success and become arrogant - David being chased by Saul is the example.
The Importance of Hospitality
Seele contributor, Ben Mack shares that amongst the challenge of find himself in Gabon recently, he experienced God through Christian hospitality.
God Does not Differentiate Between Rich and Poor
Seele contributor, Ben Mack writes about a recent trip to Bangladesh and how we are to not ignore poverty and social inequality.
When God Comes Through
Seele contributor, Ben Mack opens up about a time when lost all his money to a scam one cold snowy night in Germany, and how God came through for him.
You don’t have to be “great” to get to Heaven
Seele contributor, Ben Mack points out the scary realization that not everyone you sit next to in church will make it to Heaven. Ben points out that it doesn’t matter if a person is a president, famous, or even incredibly smart, strong or good-looking – anyone can get in. “Greatness” doesn’t matter at all. God looks at the heart and life a person.
Waiting Patiently for Heaven
Seele contributor, Ben Mack says that “Patience is a virtue,” is true. It’s not easy, of course. But what better reason for being patient is there than knowing that God has great things planned for us?
When God Makes His Presence Known When You Least Expect It
We all have traditions of some kind. Some of us make a point of seeing family every year for Christmas. Some of us prefer to eat certain foods on certain days, because that’s what we grew up with. Seele contributor, Ben Mack explains the traditions that lead us back to God.
The Importance of Talking to God
Seele contributor, Ben Mack points out the importance of talking to God, for what we do when we're alone reveals who we truly are. In order to have a relationship with someone, we have to communicate regularly- the same goes with God. He wants to hear from us everyday, and several times a day.
Experiencing Easter in the South Seas
During the Easter break, journalist Ben Mack visited Tonga.