Behold I Do A new Thing: Embracing A year Of New Beginnings
Using the promises from the book of Isaiah, KB Chakela unpacks how God has only good plans for our lives
The Museum of the Bible's Exhibit On The Shroud Of Turin Is All About Faith
The Shroud Of Turin Exhibit at the Museum of the Bible represents God’s love for humanity.
A Deeper Pursuit With the Lord
Seele Contributor Thomasena Thomas shares how she set a goal to read the Bible in a year. Nothing wrong with that but she then realized that God isn’t just calling her to read the Bible in a year to read it, as it’s a check off her list. But, in drawing close to Him, and slowly reading the Bible with commentary, she’s able to get into alignment with God and what He’s trying to teach her and tell her as she reads the Bible.
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas points out the importance of how relationships are an important part of life. She says, 'relationships were designed by God and happen for a reason.'
How To Start Getting Into The Word Of God
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas opens up about her journey from being passive about her faith to making time for God, opening up the Bible and having morning devotionals.
How reading the Bible patiently can help us learn its lessons
Seele Contributor Ben Mack, writes on how reading the Bible with patience, allowing the words to slowly set in will allow you to hear God in a clearer way.