Book: Bullies and Saints

John Dickson gives an honest account of the mixed history of Christianity, the evil and the good. He concedes the Christians’ complicity for centuries of bullying but also shows the myriad ways the beautiful teaching of Christ has enriched our world and the lives of countless individuals.

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Friday Posts h, Lifestyle & Faith 2 Ally Portee Friday Posts h, Lifestyle & Faith 2 Ally Portee

On Trial- How Many are you Snatching?

I have been writing on the topic of: "If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" We can get so consumed with the deeper questions of our faith, or simply get too busy to think about this question, and forget the basics of whether we're actually living and looking like a Christian. The topics covered in this series are: Relationship With God | Fruit of the Spirit | Orphans, Widows, Foreigners | Justice, Mercy, Walking Humbly. This is the final week in the series and I will look at topic of: "how many are you snatching from the fire?"

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