Loving Our Neighbors In A World Of Climate Change
“Action to care for the planet and to protect the climate requires actions from everyone. As Christians, we are called to love God, love our neighbors and to care for the Earth and as such, we can not only be involved in, but lead the way on climate action,” writes SEELE Contributor Monica Tang.
April 2022: Earth Day and Renewing Creation
“April is a month where we mark two important days to celebrate and appreciate God’s creation - Earth Day (April 22) and Good Seed Sunday (fourth Sunday of April). Both days are opportunities for us as Jesus followers to remember God’s love for creation and our connection to creation,” says SEELE contributor Monica Tang.
Join In The Work Of The Church In Renewing The Earth
“Christians are called to be stewards and caretakers in God’s garden, working for the renewal and restoration of God’s creation, giving rather than consuming,” writes SEELE contributor Monica Tang. She points out why it’s important for Christians to reduce their environmental footprints as a way of restoring nature.
Living Lightly To Care For The Earth And Creation
Seele Contributor, Monica Ta shares the importance of the significance of the upcoming Earth Overshoot Day. It's a day that shows we are consuming resources at a rate that is increasingly unsustainable and not supported by the earth’s carrying capacity.
This Summer Can Be A Perfect Time To Discover Our Local Places
After months of lockdown, many of us probably long to spend time in nature. Seele contributor, Monica Ta unpacks God's hand in creation from the beginning and how He continues to guide natures. Summer is a good time to go out and explore nature, and in the age of COVID, it's an opportunity for us to explore local ecosystems and places. Monica is new to the team and she's passionate about inspiring Christians to love God’s creation and to act to protect it.
Climate Care: Stewarding Creation for God and Others
Canadian and climate change advocate, Monica Tang says, "The climate crisis is real, and our love for God, Creation, and our neighbors compels us to act." She shares how Christians should be thinking about the climate change crises from a Biblical perspective.