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To Every Woman: You Are Pivotal

Playing on God's team is not only for "the chosen"

Egypt was on the verge of a revolutionary uprising. Pharaoh did not approve of the distinctive nation of Israel's growth, despite the fact that they were his subjects. He intended to increase his authority over them, but God had a plan to end it, just as it is now between the godless hegemony of our time and Christ's kingdom. There was no room for compromise. You were either advancing the agenda of Pharaoh or God. The former imposed laws targeting newborn Hebrew sons only, as if females were powerless and harmless.

Despite the fact that the fight had nothing to do with feminism, the Lord enlisted the assistance of many different ladies to hinder or defeat his adversary's plot. Isn't it time that ladies also start fighting for the issues that affect men?

Puah and Shiprah, the Midwives, saved as many newborns as they could, despite the fact that they had no children or families of their own at the time. As Jochebed did everything she could to raise her child in secrecy and ensure his survival, Miriam sacrificed her play time to protect and assist her little brother. When she should have been swimming and enjoying her life as a single Princess, Pharaoh's daughter adopted a foreign infant.

Against the backdrop of the king's orders, her maidservants followed her instructions to take the infant. Career women, stay-at-home mothers, sisters, princesses, and maids all played critical roles in God's plan to rescue the downtrodden Israelites. Personal decisions made by women from all walks of life affected Egypt's fate, whether it was a midwife's job decision, a mother's parenting decision, or a politically controversial decision by the king's daughter.

Whatever you do, wherever you live, whether you realize it or not, your decisions matter on a global scale as you go about your everyday activities. Do not undervalue yourself or downplay the role you play on a daily basis. Divinity is at work right in the midst of the mundane. Embrace your place in it.