When God Gets Ready to Elevate You
God is faithful and He is good. He wants us to enjoy our earthly lives that He has given us. He wants to surprise us, where one day we may walk into something new, thinking it will be the same of what we had before, but maybe slightly better, and BOOM! - God has given us something far more than we could have ever asked for or imagined.
All About the Process
One thing I realized about God is that He’s all about process. More often than not, God, thousands of years ago, and God in 2016 is a God of process. Sometimes He does things quickly, like the waving of a wand- abracadabra and POOF- it’s done and fast. But when He decides to mold and make our characters, the things we want can take weeks, months or years.
Good Situations Don’t Mean We’re Doing God’s Will and Vice Versa
Just because we’re in a situation that seems good and that seems ok doesn’t mean it is ok. The Scripture is full of examples where people thought they were ok, despite their unholy living.
His Presence
God speaks to us continually, and it’s easy to lose sight of that in busyness of everyday life. It’s His nature to communicate with us, and it’s not always through words.
Are You a Leading Actor or the Best Friend?
In the movie industry the leading roles are few. Only one man and one woman can have these spots. How far we go in life is largely dictated by how big or small our thinking is.
Reaction to Action- Reaction to Outcomes
Believe it or not, we have as much access to God as we have the faith receive Him. It can be the most challenging thing in life to make time for God. What is your reaction when the Holy Spirit is prompting you to connect with God? Do you seek God or put Him on the lower end of the list of “things to get to later?”
Friends vs Acquaintances
It’s common to have a lot of people around you in your early 20s, but as you mature in your 20s, you realize that you’d rather have a few quarters around you than lots of pennies.
10 Years Since High School: What I’ve learned- People, God, Parents and Occupying My Street
...try not to worry too much because it’s always going to be ok. Whatever you run up against in the next 10 years, it will somehow work out.
Have You Ever Wondered Who Footed Jesus’ Ministry Bill?
The Bible specifically notes 3 women who financially supported Jesus's ministry. Read why this is important.
Dreams Do Come True, but…
Sometimes you have to work really hard for dreams. Or, they might come to pass in a slightly different form than you planned. And sometimes, you gotta go out on a limb, take a risk, and trust that God is with you to bring that dream to pass.
Proof or Evidence, Which is Stronger?
I can’t pull God down by the shirt collar from heaven and put Him in front of a person’s face and say, “here, here is your physical material proof that God exists.”
Autumn and the- P E O P L E- in It
Yay- the best season is here! Ok, so yeah, I am biased but autumn is pretty cool- boots, jackets, hats, scarves, #PSL (Pumpkin Spice Lattes), and apple orchard picking! It’s a new season of new things for many people.
The Keys to the Car
We know from God’s character that He loves obedience and there are consequences to disobedience. It’s not easy to wait on God and there are days you’ll want to scream and give up on God...
There Will be Times You Will Have to Choose
To become a Christian does not mean that life will be easy. Sure, to be a non-Christian doesn’t mean that your life is made in the shade either. This world is broken and no matter our belief, we will all deal with disappointments.
Come Alive
What the world needs is for people- men, women, and youths - to come alive. I can imagine that God is searching the earth, looking for His children to wake up and come alive- to go out with confidence and use the skills and talents that He has given us to make a difference in this world.
Friday Fuel
This life is not a dress rehearsal and so the next 364 days will be the real thing- the live show. We have 364 days to let God do something new in us- to help others.