God’s Voice Then and Now
Seele Contributor, Thomasena Thomas reminds of the importance of listening to God.
Reconciliation Post the Rwandan Genocide
Missionary work is truly an impactful experience. This past December, Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas was able to engage in her first trip abroad through the lens of Christianity and faith to Rwanda in East Central Africa. There she learned about Reconciliation post the Rwandan genocide.
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas reminds us that confidence is seen as self, but Godfience is given through Christ. It is something we can’t form ourselves but it only comes from what we have in Christ.
It's As Easy As 1,2,3….
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas sheds light on how easy and simple prayer is, through a simple technique to follow.
Getting Through Temptation
Seele Contributor, Thomasena Thomas shares 3 tips for overcoming temptation. When our minds become idle temptation becomes stronger. The choice is to address the festering and find the root cause of it to eliminate it, or allow it to keep festering in your mind. But the latter doesn’t work....
How To Start Getting Into The Word Of God
Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas opens up about her journey from being passive about her faith to making time for God, opening up the Bible and having morning devotionals.