So One’s Life Reflects the Man
This week I went to a Celebration of Life service for a dear man we have known for over twenty years. The service was beautiful; rich in God’s hope and love and gave honor to a man of unshakeable faith. As I sat listening to the eulogies spoken about this extraordinary individual, I remembered Proverbs 27:19 which reads, “As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.”
A Season of Gentleness
Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei points out how this is generally a time of festivities, traditions and holiday parties, but it can also be a very lonely and sad season for many. Whatever this holiday season may mean for you, it's a season of possibilities and opportunities to love. And let's not forget that Jesus is the reason for the season.
A Prayer For The Weary
Seele Contributor, Rebekah Mazzei offers a prayer for the weary. For those going through all kinds of challenges and seasons, she covers you in prayer so that you might overcome and have strength.
Come Hell or High Water
Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei asks, “How many times do we find ourselves at battle with the physical evidence (unseen) vs. spiritual evidence (unseen)?” Her contributing post encourages us to increase our physical stamina.
I Called and You Answered
Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei reminds us that “God will do exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ever ask, and it’s through Psalms 50:15 that He is indeed asking us to test Him.”
It’s All In the Fight
Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei shares how music is the most intimate form of communication that God can share. She reminds us that one weapon against the enemy are vocal chords, and it’s not so much the singing, but rather the sound of warfare that pierces the heavens.
Spiritual Stamina
During this Holy Week, Seele Contributor, Rebekah Mazzei reminds on the importance of spiritual stamina.
It Is Well With My Soul
Seele Contributor, writes a letter to God, for you on a reminder to surrender to God, to trust life’s test, and to rest in HIM.
A Love Song
“The revelations of love when you are in this glorious cloud is intoxicating,” writes Seele Magazine contributor Rebekah Mazzei. Valentine’s Day has just passed and Rebekah reminds readers to cultivate a day with just YOU + GOD, and that when we come back to our first love, we will in tune with the LOVER of our souls.
It's Not Over
Seele Contributor, Rebekah Mazzei reminds us that when we’re in a dry place, where dreams and visions are shattered or where purpose no longer makes sense, God still brings dead things to life.
Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei says that faithfulness with God requires forging onward. With King David as her example, Rebekah gives practical life applications on how to stay faithful to God, despite our own human flaws and failures.
Just Be Quiet and Listen
Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei sheds light on the importance God being our compass and guide in any and all decisions that we make.
Waiting On Prayer
Seele Contributor, Rebekah Mazzei shares the importance of waiting on prayer in her life, specifically in growing up with an illness that she no longer has.
Are You or Are You Not?
For the month of March, Seele contributor Rebekah Mazzei, shares a robust post on what it means to be a real Christian.
Tow the Line
Straddling the line of the world and Kingdom-living are two very different lifestyles. To straddle the line is to be lukewarm and when reading Revelations 3:16 we see that “because you are lukewarm- neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” These are harsh words that reveal the heart of God as to how much He wants us to live as true witnesses.
Soul Standards
Seele Contributor, Rebekah Mazzei continues her series on being inhabitants in the world, but not being conformed to the world. This week let’s focus our attention on: Soul Standards.
Break the Pattern to Conform
Seele contributor, Rebekah Mazzei sheds light on the fact that not conforming to this world, but being an inhabitant of it, we have an advantage to break the mold of what is normal thinking and to truly act set apart from the rest.
The Least of These
Rebekah Mazzei, lives in British Columbia and works in the corporate world. She recently went on a mission trip to Zambia, to work with Village of Hope, a Canadian charitable organization bringing hope to children in need throughout Africa. She shares her experience here.