Guest Posts Macey Ho Guest Posts Macey Ho

From Surrey, UK to South Africa

Macey Ho spent most of her 20's in the music and advertisement business in London before deciding to take a leap into the world of Social Work. She is now finishing her last year of her Masters after spending 6 weeks in South Africa working and learning about the social needs of her people. Macey is from the U.K.

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Guest Posts Katie McKenzie Guest Posts Katie McKenzie

Discovering Humanness- By Katie McKenzie

Communications professional, Katie McKenzie has worked with various international organizations and has traveled the world. In her career, she works to connect those in need around the world to those who have the capacity to meet those needs. Katie sheds light on the importance of focusing on a person's attributes, their "humanness" rather than their outward appearance. And that we humans are more similar than different.

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Destinations Ally Portee Destinations Ally Portee

First Impressions of Egypt- Stereotypes, Religion & Tourism

I traveled to Egypt and had a blast! Really, it’s a place that you must visit. The people, Cairo, Alexandria, and the 5,000 year old cultural history shouldn’t be missed. You can catch my impressions of Egypt here and here. I’ve got an exciting story about one man and his wife who are helping to get food the hungry of Egypt next week, so stop by for that.

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