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I can’t pull God down by the shirt collar from heaven and put Him in front of a person’s face and say, “here, here is your physical material proof that God exists.” The idea that we should believe in things for which we have proofs, AKA “logical positivism” or “materialism,” was the birth for modern atheism that came from philosophical thinkers like A.J. Ayer and David Hume.
You say to me that you need proof that God exists, and I say I want proof that God doesn’t exist. You want analytical and empirical proof that He does exist, and I want your analytical and empirical proof that He doesn't exist. I can’t prove with analytical and empirical outcomes that God exists, but you can’t prove to me that He doesn’t.
What will make our arguments stronger is if we move away from proofs, which neither of us can do, and move to the basis of evidence. Is there evidence of His existence?
For this Friday post, I want to share something that should get you thinking about the evidence of God’s existence, and it’s one word: laminin. Bear with me here. I have a point to make.
The wonderful thing about science is that if you have a meek heart, God will reveal Himself to you and show you through it that He exists. And so today, we’re going to look at laminin. Laminin is a cell adhesion molecule. It’s a protein molecule. What’s a protein you ask?
Proteins are long molecular chains made from one of the 20 basic building blocks of life, called Amino Acids. It tells cells in your body what their job is. How does this look in your body you ask? When you eat food, which also has proteins, your digestive system breaks down the proteins into amino acids, which enter your blood stream. Each cell in your body gathers the needed amino acids from your blood stream to create your required proteins. What do proteins do you ask? They regulate the function of your organs and tissues. So why is this protein laminin so important you ask? Laminin is the glue that holds your body together.
They’re the stuff that holds your organs and tissues together, and they’re in the shape of the cross of our Savior, Jesus.
Louie Giglio has preached extensively on laminin, and shows how God designed laminin in the shape of a cross and gave it the particular function of “glue” in the body so that we can know through Scripture the truth that Christ holds all things together.
“He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.
In these verses Paul is opening our eyes to the supremacy of Christ. It is for Him and by Him that all things were and have been created- things in heaven and on earth. Jesus holds all things together.
Your body is literally being held together by the ingenuity of the human body, created by God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God will always hold US together and we see that here when we look at biology and look a little deeper into the human body. And, it’s God that’s holding you together right now, mentally and emotionally if you’re going through a trial. He wants to comfort you, sit with you, and help you through whatever season of life you’re going through- so don’t push Him away.
Paul ends that paragraph of the Scripture Colossians 1 (verses 19-20) by sharing the story of grace. It pleased God to have all His fullness dwell in Jesus, and that He [God] reconciled all things to Himself by making peace through the shed blood of Jesus on the cross.