Shiphrah and Puah
How two women engaged in one of the greatest acts of civil disobedience in The Bible
Mary Magdalene’s Encounter With Jesus Left Her Completely Different
Though women’s month is over, I have one more woman to highlight: Mary Magdalene. She symbolizes for women what Jesus can do for us if we let Him into our brokenness.
A Father Daughter Moment
Read today’s Friday Post, on an incredible Father-daughter story of a woman who was committing adultery but she met God, Who didn’t meet her with condemnation but gently addressed her sin.
When Women Give Away Their Power to Men
“Women are the sex that is chased and desired by men, it’s natural for us to relinquish ourselves and our needs with men. When we don’t have a firm footing in our own identity, we can give away ourselves, we give away too much of our power. Sometimes we do it because we never had a guy pursue us so we latch on, or because of daddy issues, or because we’re extremely broken by life, or because we have low self-esteem. But, when we do this with men who aren’t good, who aren’t surrendered to Jesus and walking with Holy Spirit to do life, it’s a very dangerous thing, because as Lizzo points out, “when it’s time they often let us down.”
Why Hannah’s Story of Waiting And Her Lack Of Retaliation Is Key For Us in 2021
Have you ever wanted something so bad you ache for it? And even when you get to the point where you accept not having it, you find yourself to right back at that aching desire of wanting it? Hannah wanted to be a mother and endured ridicule to the point of her mental and physical health being on the line, but instead of retaliating, she turned to the Lord her God. It's a practical life application for us all in 2021 to remember.
HE’s Waiting On You
How many of us are waiting? Have been waiting for 5, 10, 30 years for something? Now, of course we should always follow God and not move ahead of His voice. But He is not a chauffeur. Looking at a woman from the Bible, Tamar, we see an example of a woman who went after her blessing.
Eve and Her Daughters- An Identity Rooted in the Image of God
This is the second Friday in Women’s History Month, where I will point out a significant woman from the Bible: Eve. The Bible doesn’t give us a lot about her, but there is more about her in Scripture than we realize….
Women of Philippi- Your gifts are Vital to the Cause of Christ
Oftentimes women think that God doesn’t care about their success, or that they don’t have a place- and they feel quarantined into the children or women’s ministries. And this causes them to be concerned about their stewardship to Christ, when their talents aren’t’ being utilized.
This is not a feminist profile of women being better than men, but rather, Seele Magazine Editor, Ally aims to show how God used Paul AND a group of women to establish the first Christian church in Europe.
A Message to the Ladies- Know Thyself
It’s a woman's first job to get to know herself and the first and only way to truly get to know who you are is to find out from your Creator.
Bathsheba was a mother too
It’s easy to remember Bathsheba by her sin and not by her accomplishments. As humans we tend to remember people by their sinful mistakes, years after they took place.
Lessons I Learned from My Mother- By Cassandra Portee
For Seele's Mother's Day contribution, Cassandra S. Portee highlights 7 lessons she learned from her mother.
A Proverbs 31 Woman, Midwives, and Jochebed
"It takes a long time to become a good woman, just like it takes a long time to become a good man. That older woman in your life that you see, admire and that’s oozing with wisdom, well, it took years for her to be that way..."
Mary of Nazareth
Her name means stubborn and rebellious. Her occupation was a wife, mother, and homemaker. She was a refugee in Egypt. She was from the tribe of Judah, from the lineage of King David. Her religion was firstly Judaism then later Christianity. She’s referenced in the Gospels and in Acts 1. In the New Testament she only speaks 4 times. Clues about her life are elusive, so scholars must take what they can from Hebrew Scriptures, first century Mediterranean texts, the New Testament, and archaeological digs.
Jacob, His Family Drama + 1 Woman
Every family has problems. And for some, what looks good on the outside is often not the case of what’s going on in the inside. Jacob, one of the Old Testament patriarch's, his family is not exempt from family problems.
What's In a Mother?
The role of mother is intended to be an image bearer of the invisible God. And secondly, that mother’s have strength of heart that is unique to their sex.
Women- Not the Problem, but the Solution
I was listening to a message by Lisa Bevere once and she funnily but seriously stated that when she was in her 20s she hated girls- all the jealousy, competitiveness, lack of supporting one another, and gossiping that girls are known for.