Friday Posts l, Women & Faith Ally Portee Friday Posts l, Women & Faith Ally Portee

When Women Give Away Their Power to Men

“Women are the sex that is chased and desired by men, it’s natural for us to relinquish ourselves and our needs with men. When we don’t have a firm footing in our own identity, we can give away ourselves, we give away too much of our power. Sometimes we do it because we never had a guy pursue us so we latch on, or because of daddy issues, or because we’re extremely broken by life, or because we have low self-esteem. But, when we do this with men who aren’t good, who aren’t surrendered to Jesus and walking with Holy Spirit to do life, it’s a very dangerous thing, because as Lizzo points out, “when it’s time they often let us down.”

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Friday Posts l, Women & Faith Ally Portee Friday Posts l, Women & Faith Ally Portee

Why Hannah’s Story of Waiting And Her Lack Of Retaliation Is Key For Us in 2021

Have you ever wanted something so bad you ache for it? And even when you get to the point where you accept not having it, you find yourself to right back at that aching desire of wanting it? Hannah wanted to be a mother and endured ridicule to the point of her mental and physical health being on the line, but instead of retaliating, she turned to the Lord her God. It's a practical life application for us all in 2021 to remember.

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Friday Posts j, Women & Faith Ally Portee Friday Posts j, Women & Faith Ally Portee

Women of Philippi- Your gifts are Vital to the Cause of Christ

Oftentimes women think that God doesn’t care about their success, or that they don’t have a place- and they feel quarantined into the children or women’s ministries. And this causes them to be concerned about their stewardship to Christ, when their talents aren’t’ being utilized.

This is not a feminist profile of women being better than men, but rather, Seele Magazine Editor, Ally aims to show how God used Paul AND a group of women to establish the first Christian church in Europe.

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Friday Posts e, Women & Faith Ally Portee Friday Posts e, Women & Faith Ally Portee

Mary of Nazareth

Her name means stubborn and rebellious. Her occupation was a wife, mother, and homemaker. She was a refugee in Egypt. She was from the tribe of Judah, from the lineage of King David. Her religion was firstly Judaism then later Christianity. She’s referenced in the Gospels and in Acts 1. In the New Testament she only speaks 4 times. Clues about her life are elusive, so scholars must take what they can from Hebrew Scriptures, first century Mediterranean texts, the New Testament, and archaeological digs.

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