Black Lives In The Bible: The Queen of Sheba
Concluding with the series: “Black Lives In The Bible,” SEELE Editor, Ally points out another intriguing Black woman in the Bible, who’s blood is still running through the veins of Black Jews in Israel today: The Queen of Sheba. We encourage you to sit down to Netflix this weekend and watch the film: The Red Sea Diving Resort, as it shows through suspenseful and action-packed scenes how the state of Israel in the 80s, over a period of several years went into Sudan on secret military missions, called Operation Solomon, to bring its Black Jews, the children of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba back to their homeland- Israel. Today’s Friday Post will help you understand how thousands of Black Jews are residing in Israel today, though they face systemic racism and murder at the hands of Israelis.
Black Lives In The Bible: Dear Black People
Continuing with the series: “Black Lives In The Bible,” I had planned to highlight the life of Asenath, the wife of Joseph in the Old Testament. But, the situation going on in the U.S. has me wanting to write a letter to Black people instead. “There are far deeper issues Black Americans need to face than solely the police and White subjugation,” says SEELE Editor, Ally.
Black Lives In The Bible: Zipporah
Continuing with the series: “Black Lives In The Bible,” we see Zipporah, a Black woman and the wife of Moses. We see through her brother-in-law and sister-in-law (Moses’ siblings), that through a situation they were racist towards her. And we see because of this situation God hates racism, as well as having His decisions challenged by man’s opinion. Racism is not a skin color issue, it’s a heart issue. In looking at the account of Moses’ siblings’ racism towards his wife, we see that the Hebrews were held back from moving forward, until Moses’ sister’s bad heart was sanctified and transformed. Racism doesn’t just hold back the racist, it holds back the subjugated as well.
Black Lives In The Bible: Encounters With Jesus- Simon of Cyrene
To kick off this series: “Black Lives In The Bible,” Seele Editor, Ally unpacks Simon of Cyrene, who helped Jesus carry His cross up the Via Del Rosa, and he had a personal encounter with Jesus, as He served the Savior in His final hour, an encounter that you and I are invited to have with Him as well. We see one key factor, symbolism really that as Simon carried the cross and followed Jesus, Jesus was modeling discipleship. Jesus was still leading as He walked into death. Blacks and minorities who carry their individual crosses of racism are to follow Jesus, as He leads us into a victorious life. All people in the crosses that they bear are to follow Jesus, as He leads all into a victorious life.
What Makes a Successful Marriage? Ben and Mel’s Tips
Few week old new parents, Ben and Mel Chow share what makes a successful marriage with four years of experience under their belt.
God’s Purpose For Marriage- An Example
As we wrap up this month’s theme: “What’s God’s Plan for Marriage,” we have seen that marriage is serious and purposed by God. Today, we see that God purposed marriage to be an example, where those around a Godly couple should be able to see Jesus in their union.
What Makes A Good Marriage? – Joe and Vanessa’s Story
Looking at the relationship journey between author, motivational speaker and worship leader Joe Tannous in Beirut, Lebanon and his girlfriend, Vanessa Ghssoub, it seems in the natural that it shouldn’t happen. But with God in the center, you see how His hand guides Kingdom relationships and brings a man and a woman together, for the right partnership, which is for His glory and two peoples’ good.
God’s Purpose For Marriage- A Husband Is His Wife’s Covering
So, if we know from the previous weeks that God’s purpose for marriage is the ‘Two Become One Flesh’ AND that both husband and wife are each other’s ‘Ezer Kenegdo,’ we find out that another aspect of this purpose is that: a husband is his wife’s covering.
Ladies, Here Are 9 Ways To Destroy Your Marriage
Continuing with SEELE’s “What’s God’s Purpose for Marriage,” Gareth Noble unpacks and outlines 9 ways for women to destroy their marriage. This is a read you don't want to miss .
What Makes A Good Marriage?- Trevor and Sandra's Story
Continuing with SEELE’s ““What’s God’s Purpose for Marriage,” Zimbabwean couple Trevor and Sandra Weaver say: ‘On the spur of the moment, with the aid of Google, our definition of a good marriage would be a legal or formal union of a high standard between a man and a woman.
God’s Purpose for Marriage- And They Shall Become One Flesh
Marriage is a beautiful institution created by God for a man and a woman. “Two shall become one flesh,” what does this mean? When you marry, the two become one flesh. Either person is no longer single and should not be living a single life, but a life with one Spirit, physical intimacy, same goals, and a united mindset for a healthy home. No home is perfect but it should be healthy. Both people should be entering a marriage with 100% (not this 50% stuff) but 100% and whole, this is the mindset, the foundation to build on the unity of a healthy home with a strong vision
What Makes A Good Marriage? - Adrian and Rebecca's Story
For the month of May, SEELE will be focusing on the question: "What is God's Purpose for Marriage?" There is only a 50% success rate of marriages, and divorces are more common than ever. Today it's Adrian and Rebecca's story of what makes a good relationship and how God brought them together. In a couple months they will be married.
Forgiving the Unforgivable: Joseph’s Story
Today is Joseph’s story, a Hebrew who at age 17 was sold into slavery in Egypt by his 10 brothers. Their first plot was to kill him but the oldest brother Ruben persuaded the other 9 brothers to sell Joseph instead. For 13 years he was enslaved and later imprisoned, after being lied on for rape charges by the wife of Potiphor. With two injustices done to Joseph before he was 30, he found the courage to forgive his brothers and the lie that was told on him by a desperate woman. He rose to become Egypt’s second most powerful man, paving the legacy of being seen as Egypt’s first Minister of Finance by the Egyptian people today. And, for preventing his people, the Hebrews from starving to death. Joseph’s story is one of unbelievable triumph.
Forgiving the Unforgivable- Dave Pelzer's Story
Today is Dave Pelzer’s story, an American who at age 12 was California’s worse domestic abuse cases. What he endured from age 2-12 by the hands of his mother is unthinkable and unforgivable. But somehow, he has been able to forgive his mom and his ministry focuses on propelling people to move past their past pains. Dave’s story is one of unbelievable triumph.
Joan of Arc’s Faith Enabled Her To Do Hard Things
March has been about focusing on inspiring women from the Bible in a series called: “Bible Boss Babes.” Last week we looked at The Witch of En Dor a woman who we can learn something from. This week we’re looking at Joan of Arc, and though she is not in the Bible, Joan was an unwavering woman of faith, and it was this faith that enabled her to do hard things.
The Witch of En Dor: Are You Deceiving Yourself?
Last week we looked at Deborah, Israel’s first female judge. This week, we’re looking at a woman who’s NOT Bible Boss Babe: The Witch of En Dor, but nevertheless a woman who we can learn something from. As you’re home during this Coronavirus time, may this post speak to you in some way.
Bible Boss Babe: Deborah Acting Not Hesitating
Last week we looked at Mary from Bethany, the sister of Lazarus and Martha, the one who sat at the feet of Jesus. This week, we’re looking at Bible Boss Babe: Deborah.
Bible Boss Babe: Mary - Unplugging to Sit At the Feet of Jesus
This month, Seele’s Editor, Ally will point out four inspiring women and share practical life tips that we can apply to our own lives. And this week we’re looking at Mary from Bethany, the sisters of Lazarus and Martha, the one who sat at the feet of Jesus.
Confront Thyself: Joy
This month, Seele Magazine’s Friday Posts were a part of a new series titled ‘Confront Thyself,’ with Proverbs 27:19 as our guide, with this idea, as if you’re looking at your heart and your soul in a mirror- what do you see? Chief Editor, Ally presented 4 issue areas that you may be struggling with that are ungodly and can’t come any further into 2020, unless you want a repeat of 2019.
Last week we looked at our ego, today’s final topic of joy is on the table. We don’t always feel happy and that’s ok. But, joy is a fruit of the Spirit, and it’s something that we should have 24/7 in our lives, that in spite of what we may be going through, we should always have joy.
Confront Thyself: EGO
Human nature in its raw form is all about me, me, me and our social media age doesn’t help with this. We’re hungry for likes, showing off our profiles with duck faced lip photos, or of who we’ve met, or what we’re eating. But, we weren’t created to be egotistical and stuck on ourselves, we were created to uplift others and serve others with the skills/gifts and talents God has given us.