Faith Thrives in Discomfort

This season of my life has been a season of growth, a season of trusting God while trying to find out what His plan for my life is. In this whirlwind of adventure, I have been pulled away from my comfort zone.


This summer, I am pursuing a summer internship in Washington DC, I had the blessing of doing the same last summer as well but this one is different. This one has pushed me to clarify God's vision for my life while also finding my place in the world. When I first entered my summer internship, I had this feeling like I didn't belong, like I wasn’t good enough to be in this space. As the weeks went on the imposter syndrome started to lessen and I started to feel like I had a place in this space. God had to pull me from my comfort zone to help me grow. He had to show me that this amazing opportunity was not something that I was able to do on my own but something I had to trust in Him fully to accomplish.


Many of you may feel the same way. You may feel as if you're not in the right space or that you just don't belong. Don't listen to the doubts, fears and whispers. Allow for God to govern your life. He is pulling you from your comfort zone so that you can grow as an individual in Him. He is doing this so that He can have the glory and honor and to shine his light through you. The Bible says in Mark 8 that, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it.”


We all like comfort and safety. These things are good to have but when the desire for safety and security becomes the dominant theme for our lives, then trouble arises. God wants you to see beyond comfort such as King David did. There is something of eternal significance for you to contend against. He is calling you to a greater purpose than what mere comfort can provide. God wants us to trust Him and step out on obedience to His will. When we step out on obedience, then we are pulled out of our comfort zone and are more vulnerable to God, we have to move in His strength.


Are you stuck in your own comfort zone?

Thomasena Thomas

Thomasena is the Owner, Operator, and Baker of FairyCakesSC, a company that she started when she was in high school. She also competed for the Miss South Carolina Pageant in 2017. She fell in love with baking from watching her mother bake, and being born into an entrepreneurial family attributed to her starting her business. A certified culinary chef, along with her baking skills, enabled Thomasena to become the recipient of the Disney Dreamers Academy, sponsored by Steve Harvey and Essence Magazine.

Let’s Be Honest


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