Thomasena Thomas

A Deeper Pursuit With the Lord

Seele Contributor Thomasena Thomas shares how she set a goal to read the Bible in a year. Nothing wrong with that but she then realized that God isn’t just calling her to read the Bible in a year to read it, as it’s a check off her list. But, in drawing close to Him, and slowly reading the Bible with commentary, she’s able to get into alignment with God and what He’s trying to teach her and tell her as she reads the Bible.

A Deeper Pursuit With the Lord

What I Gleaned From God Through Forgiveness

Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas shares how the last month has been a whirlwind, as she has gone from the busyness of university to having to slow down and move back home. She writes, "my move back home turned into a restoration of the internal. My relationship with God changed when I moved back home." Facing the need to forgive, Thomasena shares what she has gleaned from God when it comes to having to forgive.

What I Gleaned From God Through Forgiveness

God’s Call on Our Lives: The Beatitudes

Matthew 5 is a very powerful passage of scripture, it starts with the Sermon on the Mount, which is about the Beatitudes, then addresses the concept of being salt and light. Seele Contributor, Thomasena Thomas shares how God calls us as Christians to live a certain way. God wants us to be set apart from the rest of this world because we are not of this world, we are to be God's hands and feet here on earth. Heavy I know, but that’s what God calls us to do.

God’s Call on Our Lives: The Beatitudes

Faith Thrives in Discomfort

Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas shares: " We all like comfort and safety. These things are good to have but when the desire for safety and security becomes the dominant theme for our lives, then trouble arises. God wants you to see beyond comfort such as King David did. There is something of eternal significance for you to contend against."

Faith Thrives in Discomfort

Reconciliation Post the Rwandan Genocide

Missionary work is truly an impactful experience. This past December, Seele contributor, Thomasena Thomas was able to engage in her first trip abroad through the lens of Christianity and faith to Rwanda in East Central Africa. There she learned about Reconciliation post the Rwandan genocide.

Reconciliation Post the Rwandan Genocide