Friday Posts l, Contributors, Marriage Character Oboitshepo Tladi Friday Posts l, Contributors, Marriage Character Oboitshepo Tladi

‘Your Marriage Is Your Inheritance,’ says the Lord

With her poetic language, SEELE contributor Oboitshepo Tladi continues our theme of: “having a marriage character before marriage.” Marriage is a ministry, a calling to shine the light of Jesus to your partner and to those around you. It’s also an inheritance, a blessing, and a walking into new territory of richness from the Lord, to receive all that He has for you and your spouse.

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Friday Posts l, Marriage Character Ally Portee Friday Posts l, Marriage Character Ally Portee

Having A Marriage Character Before Marriage: Kindness

Continuing our theme of: “having a marriage character before marriage,” we see that there are things we can get sorted in our singleness before marriage. If kindness is one of the things that men notice in women, then it would behoove single women to be kind before marriage, to be kind to friends, coworkers, family, and strangers.

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Marriage Character, Friday Posts l Ally Portee Marriage Character, Friday Posts l Ally Portee

Having A Marriage Character Before Marriage: 9 Fruit

In order to have a fulfilling life, the most important decision that any one of us can make is to choose to follow Jesus, and the second most important decision we can ever make in life is who we choose to marry. Continuing our theme of: having a marriage character before marriage, we see and need to understand that it’s imperative to let our triune God work on our issues and our character so that we can be a good husband- or a good wife.

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Marriage Character, Friday Posts l Ally Portee Marriage Character, Friday Posts l Ally Portee

Having A Marriage Character Before Marriage: Vows

The month of May is a focus on marriage and what it means from a Biblical standpoint. Last year the theme was “God’s purpose for marriage,” focusing on being in the act of marriage. This year, I want to focus the Friday Posts on having a marriage character before marriage, more specifically, what it means to be a wife or husband before you are a wife and husband. In order to have a thing, we must be the thing before it is truly manifested in our lives.

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What Makes A Good Marriage? – Joe and Vanessa’s Story

Looking at the relationship journey between author, motivational speaker and worship leader Joe Tannous in Beirut, Lebanon and his girlfriend, Vanessa Ghssoub, it seems in the natural that it shouldn’t happen. But with God in the center, you see how His hand guides Kingdom relationships and brings a man and a woman together, for the right partnership, which is for His glory and two peoples’ good.

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